Does the prescription information in PrescribeIT directly interface with the pharmacy software product? For example, would this free up order entry and prevent this duplicate process, or would a pharmacy assistant/technician still need to enter the order in the pharmacy system? Also, is this available for Accuro-EMR?

Pharmacist Answer
PrescribeIT integrates seamlessly with pharmacy management systems (PMS) so that the received e-prescription is pre-populated with all the information you need to process it accurately and fairly quickly compared to a faxed Rx, where you need to input all the information manually into the system. As for Accuro EMR, an agreement has been signed between PrescribeIT and Accuro, and the integration is currently under development. A launch date will be determined in the near future.
Is there any way to use this system to help desk with medication shortages (to find out what is available at a pharmacy when you prescribe it?) The current system seems to involve patients/parents going between multiple pharmacies trying to find a medication. Eventually a pharmacist faxes back a prescription asking it to be changed to something they have.

Pharmacist Answer
PrescribeIT, an electronic prescription, has no access to other parts of the pharmacy management software, including the perpetual inventory. Yet, the pharmacist can still use the clinical communication tool to notify the prescriber of any shortages, which would alert the prescriber to cancel the prescription and issue a new one accordingly. For more information, you can check this helpful resource (module 2):
What is the status on this with BC?

Andy Donald's Answer
The PrescribeIT team at Infoway has let me know that they are currently in discussion with BC about integrating and deploying PrescribeIT within the province. Discussions are going well, so stay tuned.
Does a clinic need to be apart of the EMR system in order to use this? We are a paper clinic and do not use EMR.

Andy Donald's Answer
PrescribeIT is integrated directly into a physician’s EMR and a Pharmacies PMS. Both the prescriber and the pharmacy must be enabled with PrescribeIT in order to send and receive e-prescriptions. PrescribeIT if not available for practices with paper-based workflows.
Med discontinuations do not send automatically to the pharmacy. Do you have a suggestion for good work-flow to do this? Is there a way to message the pharmacy without initiating a prescription in PS Suite/Med Dialogue?

Dr. Soreya Dhanji's Answer
This is a great question as it's so important to be on the same page with our clinical team regarding patient medication changes. This improves safety and reduces medication errors for the patient. In order to keep the pharmacy updated on medication changes or discontinuations, you can initiate a Clinical Communication to send to the pharmacist. A simple message stating that the medication is discontinued would be the documentation that the pharmacy requires to discontinue the prescription in their pharmacy medication system. It's very similar to writing an order in a hospital setting informing the other clinical team members a medication has been stopped. Thank you for your question!
Can the program be integrated in Accuro to have physician assistants help with refill authorizations?

Dr. Soreya Dhanji's Answer
Thank you for the great question! As physicians, delegating certain tasks can be an important part of our practice. At this time, delegated prescribing is not supported. PrescribeIT specifications are developed based on the EMR's ability to support licensed prescribers. However, the PrescribeIT and Accuro specifications are still in development and expected to be deployed later this year so I am unable to provide a more detailed response at this time.
Is PrescribeIT going to work with acute care facilities for discharge prescriptions?

Andy Donald's Answer
At the moment, PrescribeIT is only available in the community setting for both prescribers and pharmacies. The hope is to eventually have this as an option for hospitals in the near future, as the platform continues to grow and expand. There is actually a pilot for hospital use currently being done in the Ottawa region.
Does the requesting pharmacy have to be a PrescribeIT client in order for the program to work on the physician's end?

Christine Fitchett's Answer
In your EMR, you will have the option to select when writing your prescription “draft, post only, print, fax or e-Sign and Send.”* If the Pharmacy you select is a part of PrescribeIT — the e-Sign and Send will be highlighted. If the Pharmacy is not yet a part of PrescribeIT, you can select one of the other options.
PrescribeIT® integrates seamlessly into electronic medical records (EMR) and pharmacy management systems (PMS), enabling prescribers to digitally transmit prescriptions to pharmacies. Transmission is secure, private, and directed to the patient’s pharmacy of choice.
*Please note the exact wording might differ across various EMRs.
One hesitation I have to implementation is holiday coverage. I may have a Locum cover & need temporary old-style faxing resumed. Is this possible?

Dr. Soreya Dhanji's Answer
For the first few months of using PrescribeIT I had my colleague cover my practice by faxing prescription requests even though I am utilizing PrescribeIT. I wouldn’t consider this a barrier but would love to clarify this if you have more questions!
Is Oscar based EMRs on the radar for PrescribeIT integration?

Andy Donald's Answer
Oscar PRO are now fully functional with PrescribeIT. From what I understand often the main hurdle in getting software onboard with PrescribeIT is to ensure there are sufficient privacy and safety protocols to conform to regulations. The Well Health and Kai Innovations instances of Oscar PRO have done this, with a full rollout expected soon.
And, as my colleague Dr. Pepe points out, be it for Oscar EMR or other platforms the single most important thing users can do is emphasize the importance of the integration of technology like PrescribeIT in their EMR.